Auto dealer excretes 52 wraps of cocaine

36 year old Imo-state born Anabaronye Ken, an autoparts dealer based in Lagos has been arrested byNational Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)officials after he excreted 52 wraps of cocaine at theMuritala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos.He was arrested as he was about to board a flight toFrance en route Milan, Italy. It took Ken four days toexcrete all the drugs from his system, Punch reportsWhen interrogated, Ken said he went into thebusiness to better the life of his family and prayedthat he be released on time so he can witness thebirth of his unborn child as his pregnant wife is dueto give birth soon. Continue…"I sell motor spare parts, but at present I have noshop and my wife is pregnant, about to give birthto our first child. I got myself involved in drugtrafficking to take care of my family. I ingested52 wraps of cocaine for a fee of E4,000. Isincerely plead for mercy. My greatest desire isto be released from custody before my wife'sdelivery date," he said.Chairman of NDLEA, Mr Ahmadu Giade whilespeaking about the arrest suggested stiffer penaltiesfor drug trafficking culprits so as to deter othersfrom engaging in the crime"In addition to public enlightenment, stifferpenalties are effective means of addressing theproblem of illicit drug trafficking and abuse. Itwill assist in the drastic reduction of the financialattraction of drug trafficking."

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