Horror!!! Six Year Old Caught Picking Used Sanitary Towel At Novena University

I Just got this message from a Close Friend at Novena University and I hope Justice would be served

Earlier this evening in Amai Kingdom,the village where Novena University is located in Delta State a young indigene boy of about 6 years of age was caught alongside two other kids picking blood filled already used sanitary pads. Upon apprehension by a female student of the school he confessed to have been sent by a woman named Sara and he said it wasn't the first time they were coming into the female hostels to steal used pads. One of the boys was caught while the other two escaped with the pad picked. The case is presently with the security operatives of the school but there is a feeling that justice wouldn't be served. I'm a female student of Novena University and I don't flush my used pad meaning at some point in the past God forbid my pad might have been picked. We need this message to get to the ears of the people who can help us get to the root of this matter.

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