1. Most celebrities live a false lifestyle, driving big cars, living in big houses, spending recklessly, buy things that are not worth it. Some just want their names announced on headlines.
2. Most celebrities do not save for the dry days, some believe money will keep on coming. The truth about life nothing last forever that is why we have day and night, just like sometimes you smile at times you cry. You save during the wet days so you could enjoy the dry days, everything as its time.
3. Most celebrities have lost their loyalty, honesty and manners. Many of them are not well behaved, some behave like they brought themselves where they are, according to the bible "A pride comes before a fall". Listen and listen good you didn't bring yourselves here, its just the grace of God that brought you here.
4. Here is the most common one among all, "the abuse of drugs" Many of them take all kinds of drugs such as hemps, marijuana, cigarette and others.
Even uncontrollable drinking of alcohol, many of this celebrities don't go for proper check-up.
5. Change of name: This can affect a whole life carrier mostly artist, its just like you introducing a new brand into the market. You have to start all over again from the beginning examples are 'Blackface' who changed his name to 'Blackface Naija' and 'Sasha' who changed to 'Sasha P'. The name sounds new and bring guesses to the mind of their fans like this person is copying Blackface or Sasha, o this is a new artist and many other things running through their mind. I pray our beloved artistes will read and change their ways for a better lifestyle. thanks
Written by T-MAQ