Son Butchers father to death, Sets body ablaze

What would have led a son to kill his father and set his corpse ablaze? This is the riddle residents of 16 Ikogba Street, Monkey Village, Lagos are still unable to solve since June 30, 2014 when the heinous crime was committed.
The suspect, Arinze Agwanze who neighbours claimed, is men­tally challenged, butchered his father to death with a machete and went ahead to set his corpse and the entire house ablaze in an attempt to cover up his evil deed.
Arinze from Anambra State lived with his parents at 16 Ikogba Street, Monkey Village, in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. Close neighbours claimed they overheard him murmuring to himself that his late father, Mr Agwanze who was suffering from stroke had been getting on his ways and promised to deal with him. Nobody knew what really trans­pired between Arinze and his father that led the son to kill his father that fateful day. However, a neighbour who did not want her name in print said Arinze has always been stub­born. On the day of the incident, his father was said to have sent him on an errand, but instead of attending to his father's needs, he was busy pressing his phone. This got his father infuriated, prompting him to smash his son's phone. This action of the father made Arinze angry and he in return smashed his father's phone.Not done yet, the boy took a cutlass and attacked his father cut­ting his head in the process resulting in the man bleeding to death. When Arinze observed that his father was dead from the injuries he inflicted on him, he feared that he would be arrested and perhaps beaten up. To cover up, he quickly set the house with his late father's body inside on fire and went into hiding to avoid the wrath of relatives and resi­dents. Neighbours' attention were, however, drawn to the scene by the flaming fire and on getting to the house, they sighted the dead man with his head skull ripped open and blood gushing out inside the burn­ing house. The suspect has since ran away from the house.
Some neighbours claimed that before Arinze sent his father to his untimely death on that day, he was seen at noon burning some family members' cloths downstairs before moving upstairs to spread the entire house with petrol and set the house on fire while his father was in a pool of his blood.

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