When Cameroonian-Nigerian singer Dencia first brought out her 'Whitenicious' product there was a lot of controversy about it – and there still is.
But Dencia has not let the controversy deter her company's mission.
She used her 'Whitenicious' Instagram page to explain the differences between some beauty terms:
When you think of skin bleaching,the first two pictures on the left come in mind.When you think of skin lightening,the four pictures should come in mind.Skin whitening, skin lightening, and skin bleaching refer to the practice of using chemical substances in an attempt to lighten skin tone or provide an even skin complexion by lessening the concentration of melanin. Several chemicals have been shown to be effective in skin whitening, while some have proven to be toxic or have questionable safety profiles, adding to the controversy surrounding their use and impacts on certain ethnic groups. And now read this "There is a growing market in skin lightening products that are toxin-free. However, they are more costly due to their expensive ingredients. Japan and the Pacific are big markets for high quality skin lightening products imported from Europe.A lot of you ask why our dark spot removers and other products are expensive,this is because we use safe ingredients that will not harm you.At Whitenicious your safety is our top priority.A lot of people with money can afford the safe methods of skin lightening.Like every industry and anything,the top $$ will get you the best of the best.always do your research #Whitenicious#SkinlighteningVsSkinBleaching #celebrities #SafeVsUnsafe #ciara#beyonce #nickiminaj #Dencia ..A lot of people deny bleaching because they don't bleach,the lighten their skin.Your dermatologist will prescribe you 4% Hydroquinone in America and it is banned in Europe.#YouDecideWhatYouWantToLookLikeAsAnAdult#PeopleWilldowhatTheYWantToDo #DarkspotRemover #Envydia
Photo Credit: Instagram|whitenecious