A www.metronaija.com reader tells another horrifying story of a robbery attack in Lagos traffic..
A friend was robbed this morning at about 5.45am or so, just by Muson Center as she made her way to turn under the bridge towards Victoria Island, 2 boys walked up to her and without asking any questions, they just smashed the 2 side windows (passenger’s side) of her Toyota Corolla and made away with her handbag which contained her valuables. According to her, they robbed another lady beside her just about the same time she was attacked. She was shaken, and I could understand her fears.

A www.metronaija.com reader tells another horrifying story of a robbery attack in Lagos traffic..
A friend was robbed this morning at about 5.45am or so, just by Muson Center as she made her way to turn under the bridge towards Victoria Island, 2 boys walked up to her and without asking any questions, they just smashed the 2 side windows (passenger’s side) of her Toyota Corolla and made away with her handbag which contained her valuables. According to her, they robbed another lady beside her just about the same time she was attacked. She was shaken, and I could understand her fears.

My worry about her (and other victims, particularly the ladies) is not the loss of valuables or damage to their vehicles, but the damage to them psychologically, where they now drive to work with so much fear and trepidation whenever they have to slow down either at a traffic light or to make way for another vehicle to pass. And you know what, they’ll leave with that fear for a long time because they need to be at work early, and the Employer isn’t going to understand that they had to wait for daylight before setting out to work.
I imagine my young friend driving to work tomorrow morning (on her way from the mainland), and having to pass by her regular route; she’d probably freak out whenever she sees any male walk by or towards her regardless of his intentions. This menace is causing damage that will require time to heal, and I say its totally unnecessary. If we know the dark spots and have been reporting on same, then why cant the authorities ensure that such areas are properly manned during peak traffic hours? I just don’t get it!
Beyond rhetoric, here’s an appeal from a concerned Lagosian to the Government to really act now and restore our confidence in their ability to secure us, because from where I stand, it may make a lot of sense to get armed (I mean with a Gun, not a knife please!) so that if ever you get robbed in traffic and the guy is walking away, you probably take out your piece from your glove compartment or under your seat and plant a few pellets into his fleeing backside to serve as a deterrent to others with similar tendencies. Selah!
By the way, my friend was thankfully unharmed.