Brickwall Partners With ASSE To Birth The First Safety Summit In Nigeria | #BrickwallASSEsafetySummit

The CEO of Brickwall Global Investment; foremost and leading construction & real estate company in Nigeria Mr Uche Ahubelem speaks passionately about safety and expressed his core interest in partnering with the American society of safety engineers to make possible the 4th edition of ASSE safety summit and first ever to hold in Nigeria.

The 3 day event which would be holding at Oriental hotel Lagos  between the 23rd and 25th of march is expected to attract professionals from within and outside Nigeria. This according to Mr Hebert Nwaka  (president of the Nigerian Chapter of ASSE) would give room to global players in real estate and most importantly safety to rub minds and further promote professionalism that can and would reduce and ultimately bring to a final end occurrence of building collapse.

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