Wednesday 30 September 2020

Gospel Music: Donikonxop – The Hakkadon Explosion


 Charles ChekwubeChiukwu Okeleke M.Phil: XOP Records and JexyMillion emerging Artist, Charles Chekwube Okeleke M.Phil. was born 1986, hails from Ibuzo Delta State, and is a Human Resource Manager in Lagos State, Nigeria.

Charles Okeleke (XG) is a Master’s Degree Graduate in Philosophy from the University of Ibadan, and a Harvard X Certified Analyst.

Quadonzn XOP Records premiers and presents
@XGCASHOUT and @DonikonXOP

Hakkadon Explosion Album(Gospel and Secular) (2020)

XG The Gospel EP and XG The Revolution Album XTRA (2020)

Stream and Buy The Album Here