Saturday 30 December 2023

"Anselm Jemima," a thought-provoking thriller directed by Debbie Nwuli


“Anselm Jemima”, a thought-provoking thriller directed by Debbie Nwuli, is set to captivate audiences with its powerful exploration of gender inequality and domestic violence. The film delves into the harrowing journey of Anselm Jemima, a survivor of sexual violation, as she faces the challenges of an oppressive society and fights to prove that it isn’t a man’s world alone.

The movie confronts pressing social issues, including rape culture and the psychological impact of violence on victims and their families. Through its gripping narrative, “Anselm Jemima” aims to raise awareness and spark conversations about the need for social change and the empowerment of women.


Director Debbie Nwuli brings her unique vision to the screen, crafting a compelling story that sheds light on the struggles faced by African women and challenges societal norms. The film’s talented cast delivers powerful performances, immersing viewers in the emotional journey of the characters.

“Anselm Jemima” is a must-see film that will leave audiences reflecting on the importance of equality and the strength of the human spirit. Stay tuned for release dates and screenings near you.


For press inquiries, interviews, or additional information, please contact:

Deborah Nwuli

Producer and Director

